YPO Forums
YPO is the global platform for chief executives to engage, learn and grow. Members harness the knowledge, influence and trust of the world’s most influential and innovative business leaders to inspire business, personal, family and community impact. YPO forums are small groups peers that meet regularly, in a confidential environment, to exchange ideas and experiences on the issues that matter most to them.
After more than 25 years serving as a YPO Certified Forum Facilitator, Leslie has seen it all. And she gets YPO. She understands the unique challenges that being “at the top” brings. Leslie’s agile style and ever-growing knowledge makes her an exceptional resource for YPO forums and chapters.
Forum in Business
You've learned exceptional techniques in forum to build trust, communication and results. What have you done to bring these techniques to business, to build trust in your executive team and company culture? Leslie can be your guide to supercharge your team, by bringing forum practices to your work and life in a more intentional way. Just reach out and Leslie will create a customized program for your specific needs.
YPO Forums
Considering your time and energy investments in Forum, it is critical that you get the maximum ROI out of your experience, both personally and professionally. Whether launching a new Forum, relaunching an existing Forum or taking a well-functioning Forum to new heights, Leslie can capitalize on your investment in Forum to design and execute a powerful plan to get you on the best path.
Every Forum wants to be “the best”, but what does that mean? It means having experiences that add value, connections that go deep, and learning that develops you as a leader in your business, home and community. Leslie will maximize outcomes, satisfaction and value from Forum, and will ensure that what you learn in Forum today is directly transferrable to your business, personal and family lives tomorrow.
Leslie will work closely with you Forum to:
· Build an unbreakable foundation for a new Forum so you bond quickly and deeply by employing the best Forum protocols
· Transform a troubled Forum into an effective one, via training like Transformational Forumä, Forum Super Charges and retreats
· Deepen the connections among members - and members to themselves, their leadership, relationships and businesses
· Learn through experiences, tools and significant conversations about approaching problems and issues that enable insight, growth, development and satisfaction
· Help new members and their spouses build a strong foundation through an insightful delivery of Forum Fundamentals
Here's a sampling of forum retreats we offer. Contact LCL for a more complete list.
Authenticity: The Key to Building Relationships That Thrive
Authenticity is a unique gift – why be someone else when you are an original? The safety of forum is an exceptional place to explore being our true selves and letting ourselves be known. By being yourself, while adapting to all situations, you never pretend and are empowered to be constantly authentic. In this retreat, learn concepts and practices for stepping more fully and powerfully into yourself. These skills will strengthen your forums, and forum members will learn techniques for deepening all relationships – intimate, business, family and social. Your forum will explore the genesis of conflict, core tenets of emotional intelligence, and techniques for clarifying your feelings, thoughts and want. Gain techniques for managing boundaries, truly listening and managing reactive responses to challenging situations. The tools you’ll gain in this retreat deepen Forum protocol and provide the basis for effective communication, conflict resolution, giving and receiving feedback, and acute self-awareness.
Living With Purpose
Success rarely happens by accident. Ninety-nine percent of the time it’s dedication and effort that result in a win. Knowing your true purpose is key to that success, allowing you to take steps to align your life and actions to more effectively fulfill your vision. Although people may have similar general end goals (e.g. “make a difference” or “create healthy family and community”), no one expresses their purpose, or reaches it, the same way as you. In this highly interactive session, your forum will participate in exercises designed to ignite the process of clarifying personal values, purpose/mission and vision in the following ways:
Identify your core values that drive your actions and behavior
Clarify your personal mission that guides your actions, providing you with meaning and personal happiness
Explore your vision for ideally and fully expressing your purpose